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Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts, Wits Art Museum, Johannesburg, South Africa: 

Creative Research (with Julie Chen & Veronika Shaepers)



Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY: Read Me. Like a Book. 30 Years of Dobbin Books



Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna, Austria: Reality is as thin as paper.



FUGA Galeria, Budapest, Hungary: Memory Palace

Hungarian Jewish Archive, Budapest: Archive Installation/Intervention



Stadtbibliothek Reutlingen, Germany: Hand. Voice. Paper.



At Home Gallery, Samorin, Slovakia: Nothing Is, Until Uttered in a Clear Voice



Petöfi Irodalmi (Literature) Museum, Budapest: Three-Minute Stories



Galerie Druck & Buch, Tübingen, Germany



Brooklyn Public Library Gallery: Women’s Work



Galerie N & n, Budapest: Home Sweet Home

Columbia College Gallery, Chicago: Politics In Paper



Whanki Museum, Seoul, Korea



La Galería – Haus der Kunst, Guadelajara, Mexico



Western Michigan University Gallery, Kalamazoo



Center for Book Arts Gallery, NYC: Collaborations in South Africa



Temple Judea Museum, Elkins Park, PA: From Darkness into Light



University of Pennsylvania, Rosenwald Gallery: Look Books

Brooklyn Public Library Gallery: Look Books



HarperCollins Exhibition Space, NYC: Dobbin Books

Enciklopédia Kiadó, Budapest



The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Ontario,Canada

Le Chaufaud Musée, Percé, Québec: Une Percée

NSA Gallery, Durban, South Africa



Saint Peter’s Church, NYC: Solo installation



Prieto Gallery, Mills College, Oakland, CA: Dobbin Books



HarperCollins Exhibition Space, NYC: Dobbin Books

István Király Muzeum, Hungary

Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest: Solo Installation







Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna: Best of 2024



Hyundai Museum of Kids' Books & Art, Korea: MOKA Book Art Collection

Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, WA: Crossing the Line: The Passport Re-Imagined

Elza Kayal Gallery, NYC: Bifocal: Motherhood and Creativity

Center for Book Arts Gallery, NYC: Hello Thank You Come In

Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna: Best of 2023



Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna: Thread - Fabric - Paper...And Back Again!

Gallery 2, University of Johannesburg: Matterings Mutterings

Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna: Mapping



Stanford University Library, Palo Alto, CA: Materialia Lumina, the CODEX 75 

Smithsonian Museum of Africa Art, DC: Dihangara Uhanga, in exhibition (through 2023)

Bainbridge Art Museum, Sherry Grover Gallery, WA: Shapes of Things to Come



Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna: The Body and the Book

Klingspor Museum, Offenbach, Germany: Born in the USA

Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna: Best of 2020



Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna: 2 x 25, 25th anniversary exhibition

Swarthmore McCabe Library, PA: Paperless Artists’ Books in the Collection



Juntao First National Book Art Exhibition, Haining, China (curated by Tan Tan, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing)

Environmental Design Library, UC Berkeley, CA: Book As Place: Visions of the Built Environment (Julie Chen, curator)

Mark Twain Library, Redding CT: Freed Formats: the book reconsidered, traveling exhibition (with catalog)

International Print Center New York: Pulled in Brooklyn

Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts, Johannesburg, SA: opening exhibition



Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, Philadelphia: Fertile Ground (curated by Mark Dimunation, Chief of Special Collections, Library of Congress & John Caperton, Curator, The Print Center, Phila), (Prize)

NY Transit Museum, NYC: Navigating New York

International Print Center New York, NYC: Paper→Pulp Transformation

Center for Book Arts Gallery, NYC, Minneapolis & San Francisco: Freud on the Couch – Psyche in the Book (with catalog)



UJ Art Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa: Booknesses, Artists’ Books from the Jack Ginsberg Collection (authored an essay in the catalog)

Brooks Museum, Memphis, TN: In Honor of Dolph Smith

Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, Germany: Galerie Druck & Buch exhibition

Opposition & Artists’ Books, Rutgers Univ. Library, New Brunswick, NJ (curated by Michael Joseph, Rare Book Librarian)



Grolier Club, NYC: Artists & Others: The Imaginative French Book, 2000-2015

University of Washington Special Collections, Seattle: Just One Look

Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna, Austria: Freud

Center for Book Arts Gallery, NYC: Sense(LESS): Perceptual Explorations



Smithsonian Museum of African Art, DC: Artist Books and Africa

Center for Book Arts Gallery, NY: Embraced: The International Community

Minnesota Center for the Book: The Contained Narrative



Center for Book Arts Gallery, NY: Behind the Personal Library: Collectors Creating the Canon

Museo della Carta a della Filligrana, Fabriano, Italy: Contemporary Watermarks

ARTSPACE, New Haven, CT: Connecticut (un)Bound

Pace University, NY & Casper College, Wyoming: Handmade/Homemade

Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna, Austria: Winterschlaf



Museum of Biblical Art, NYC: As Subject and Object

Galerie Druck & Buch, Vienna, Austria: Wien Gebucht: Highlights der Buchkunst seit Dieter Roth.

King Saint Stephen Museum, Székesféhérvár, Hungary: 5th International Artists’ Book Exhibition Invitational.

Texas Woman’s University, Seductive Alchemy

John Rylands Library, Manchester, UK /and traveling show locations: An Inventory of Al-Mutanabbi Street.



Museum of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing: Diamond Leaves

Johannesburg Art Gallery, S. Africa: Coming of Age 21 Yrs of Artist Proof Studio

Projektraum des Deutschen Künstlerbundes Berlin, Germany: ‘Deutscher Künstlerbund’. ‘Blätterwald – oder die Quintessenz des Buches’.

Hebrew Union College Museum, NYC: Spectrum of Sexuality

Lubeznik Center for the Arts, Michigan City, Indiana: Beaten & Bound

K-Salon, Berlin, Germany: Central Booking in Berlin

Musée de L’Imprimerie, Lyon, France: Quand les Livres S’Amusent



Bildungshaus St. Benedict, Seitenstetten, Austria: MOTHER (2 installations)

Art of the Book Gallery, Yale University, New Haven: The Book as Memorial

Central Booking, NYC: Mapping the Surface

Center for Book Arts Gallery, NYC: Multiplied, Limited, Unique (traveling show)

Vizivzrosi Galeria, Budapest: Julia Vermes’ Artist Book Collection

Catich Gallery, St. Ambroise University, Iowa: Social Commentaries

New Orleans Museum of Art, AL: Artists’ Books



Pratt Manhattan Gallery, NYC: You Are Here–The Psychogeography of the City

PapierWespe Gallery, Vienna, Viertelgalerie, Zwettl, & Paper Museum, Austria: 30 Books from 30 Artists.

Reyes & Davis Gallery, Washington, DC: Novel Abstractions

Chapman University Gallery, CA & La Forum Events Gallery, LA: The Page



2B Gallery, Budapest: Oscillations

Greenpoint IBZ zone, NY: Brooklyn Makes (film projection on building)

Lehman College Gallery, NYC: Rare Editions – The Book as Art



Museum of Arts & Crafts, Itami, Japan: “Your Documents Please”



Milwaukee Institute, Wisconsin: Sacred Text

Center for Book Arts, NY: Black & White & Read

Stadtmuzeum Deggendorf, Germany: Paper Road



King Saint Stephen Museum, Székesféhérvár, Hungary: 4th International Artists’ Book Exhibition

Kyoto Institute of Technology: Artist Books

Papier Muzeum, Steyrermuehl, Austria: Paper



Charite Medizinhistorische Museum, Berlin: The Missing Link

Israel Museum, Jerusalem: Beauty & the Book

Musée du Pays et Val de Charmey, Switzerland: Fifth International Paper Triennial

Center for Book Arts Gallery, NY: 30 Years of Innovation

Hebrew Union College Museum, NYC & Hungarian Cultural Institute, Berlin: Waldsee 1944

Korea: 2nd Seoul Internatl Book Arts exhibition



Korea: 1st Seoul Internatl Book Arts exhibition

Maryland Jewish Museum, Baltimore: Weaving Women’s Words

Brooklyn Museum of Fine Arts: Open House

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt: International Biennale

Haus der Kunst, La Galería, Guadelajara, Mexico:  Doce el doce del doce

2B Gallery, Budapest: Waldsee 1944



Santa Maria Della Scala, Siena, Italy: Paper Road

9th Wexford Artists’ Book Exhibition, Ireland

Adam Baumgold Gallery, NYC: Word Works

Hebrew Union Museum, NY: The Art of Aging



Silicon Gallery, NY: Digital Books

Art On Paper Gallery, Johannesburg: trans’for-ma’tion



Hebrew Union College Museum, New York City: Living in the Moment

Off-Centre Gallery, Bristol, England: Tale of Two Cities



Johannesburg Civic Gallery, South Africa: After New York

Brooklyn Museum of Art: Working in Brooklyn – Artists Books

3rd Biennale of Artists’ Books, Istvan Kiraly Muzeum, Hungary






​​The Isaac Anolic Book Arts Award 2020


Franklin Furnace & The NYC Dept of Cultural Affairs Grant, for the creation of a virtual exhibition website. 2020


European University Flensburg, Germany, Dept Art & Media: Artist Residency, Summer 2017​


Keynote Speaker for Booknesses colloquium, Johannesburg, South Africa, Spring 2017  


Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, Faculty Development Grants, 2007, 2010, & 2015  






Agnes Gund Collection, NYC


Allen Library, University of Washington, Seattle


Arthur & Mata Jaffe Collection, Boca Raton, FL


Art Institute of Chicago Library, IL


Bainbridge Art Museum, Washington


Baylor University, Central Library, Waco, Texas


Boston Atheneum, MA


Boston Public Library, MA


Bowdoin College Library, Maine


Bowling Green State University, Ohio


Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 


Brooklyn Museum of Arts Library, NYC


Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA


California College of Art, CA


Carlton College, Gould Library, MN


Center for Book Arts Collection, NYC


Cerritos Public Library, CA


Chapman College, Orange, CA


Clark Museum of Art, MA


Cleveland Institute of Art, Gund Library, Ohio


Columbia University, Butler Library & Avery Library, NYC


Dartmouth College, Baker-Berry Library & Sherman Art Library, NH


De Paul University, Chicago


Drake University, Iowa


Duke University Library, Durham, NC


Emory University Woodruff Library, Atlanta, GA


Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA 


George Mason University, Fairfax, VA


Indiana University–Purdue University, Indianapolis


Jaffe Center for Book Arts, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton 


Kansas State Univ. Hale Library, Manhattan, KS


Lafayette College Library, Eaton, PA


Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin


Letterform Archive, San Francisco, CA


Library of Congress, DC


Long Island University Special Collections, NYC


Massachusetts College of Art Library, Boston


Massachusetts Institute of Technology Library, Boston, MA


Messiah College, Murray Library, Grantham, PA


Metropolitan Museum of Art, Watson Library, NYC 


Mills College, Oakland, CA


Museum of Modern Art, Library, NYC


National Museum of African Art, Washington, DC


Nevada Museum of Art, Center for Art & Environment, Reno


Newark Public Library, New Jersey


New York Public Library, Spencer Collection, NYC


Northwestern University Library, Illinois 


Oberlin College Special Collections, Ohio


Ohio University, Athens


Otis School of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA


Penn State University, Pennsylvania


Queens College Library, NYC 


Rutgers University Library, New Brunswick, NJ


Rhode Island School of Design Library, Providence


Ringling College of Art, Florida


Sackner Archive, Miami, Florida


Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library NYC


SCAD Atlanta, GA


Scripps College, CA 


St. Johns University, Minnesota


St. Olaf College, Minnesota


Stanford University, Green Library, Palo Alto CA


Swarthmore College Library, PA


Temple Judea Museum, Elkins Park, PA


Temple University, Philadelphia, PA


Toledo Art Museum, Ohio


Tufts University, W. Van Alan Clark Jr. Library, MA


UC Berkeley Bancroft Library & Environmental Design Library, CA


UCLA Arts Library, Los Angeles


UC Santa Barbara, Davidson Library, CA


UC Santa Cruz, McHenry Library, CA 


University of Delaware Library


University of Denver, Penrose Library, CO


University of Georgia, Hargrett Library, Athens 


University of Indiana, Bloomington


The University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida


University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor


University of Minnesota, Minneapolis


University of New Mexico Library, Albuquerque


University of New Mexico, Valencia


University of Oregon, Eugene


University of PA, Annenberg Library, Philadelphia


University of Pittsburgh, PA


The University of Tulsa, OK


University of Utah, Marriott Library,  Salt Lake City, UT


University of Vermont Bailey/Howe Library, Burlington, VT


University of Washington, Saint Louis, MI


University of West Michigan Library, Kalamazoo


University of Wisconsin Art Library, Madison


Virginia Commonwealth University, Cabal Library, Richmond 


Wellesley College Library, MA


Wesleyan University Clapp Library, CT


Wheaton College,  Wallace Library, Illinois


Whitney Museum Library, NYC


Yale Art Gallery: Chasanoff Bookworks Collection, New Haven, CT


Yale’s Beineke Rare Book Library, New Haven, CT


Yale University, Art of the Book, New Haven






Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Weimar, Germany


Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany


Biblioteca Alexandrina, Egypt


Bibliotheca Librorum apud Artificem, Australia 


Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris


Bibliothéque Nationale de Luxembourg


Biblitheque Universitaire BCU Lausanne, Switzerland


British Library, London


Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Leipzig, Germany


Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum, Germany


Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany


István Király Muzeum, Székesfehérvár, Hungary


Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts, Wits Museum, Johannesburg, S. Africa


Julia Vermes Collection, Basel, Switzerland


Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek, Cologne, Germany


Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan


Leopold-Hoesch Museum, Düren, Germany


Lyrik Kabinett, Munich, Germany


McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada


Memorial University, Queen Elizabeth II Library, Newfoundland, Canada


Museum Center, Baku, Azerbaijan


Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary


Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria 


Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest


Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, Switzerland


Museum Meermann Westreenianum, The Hague


The Netherlands Nationale Bibliotheek, Koopman Collection, The Hague


Offentliche Universität der Stadt Basel, Switzerland


Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria


Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden, Germany


Szabad Iskola, Mór, Hungary


Technikon Natal Art Gallery, Durban, S. Africa


Universitaetsbibliothek, Universitaet für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna, Austria


University of Alberta Library, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Van Abbe Museum, Eidhoven, The Netherlands


Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart






Center for Book Arts Gallery, NYC: Curator for 50th anniversary exhibition, Vico's Spiral: Half Century of Artists' Books


Dobbin Mill, NYC: Founding Director of hand papermaking studio, since 1989


Pratt Art Institute, NYC: Professor for “Art of the Book”, 2002 - 2021


Pratt Art Institute, NYC: Coordinator for BOOK minor, 2016 - 2022


Center for Book Arts, NYC: Instructor for papermaking/artist books, 1986-1999


Workshops and visiting artist seminars in the US, South Africa, and Europe, since 1986






1981 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Sculpture


1980 Princeton University: BA Cum Laude in Art History, Program of Visual Arts






Trustee of the Board of The Ampersand Foundation, 1997 – 2017

US Representative of The Ampersand Foundation, since 2017

Director of Alma-on-Dobbin since 2005

Director for The Booklyn Artist Alliance, 2006 – 2017

Director for the Center for Book Arts, NYC 2007 – 2017



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