Posting Wall: Anamnesis
Anamnesis, 2019/20 / Installation: posting wall / In collaboration with Michael Joseph, Amir Parsa & Harley Spiller (& the Pratt community) / Mixed media & collage on Dobbin Mill papers
Two posting boards are placed on the ground floor of Pratt Institute Library, covered in flyers I’ve made, postings engaging the viewer in a discourse on the psychogeography of place and memory, along with ideas on books, reading & libraries. I call this social practice Anamnesis, which means the opposite of forgetting, which I began in 2009. This particular installation involves a collaborative exchange with three other practitioners, Michael Joseph, Amir Parsa & Harley Spiller, along with members of the Pratt community, over the course of the exhibition. Paper & pins are provided for this purpose.